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Test CMS


  1. QN . 251. We have footer – Manage footer CMS and separate CMS after newsletter. IN Footer-manage footer CMS, only About Us is given  and not mentioned about ----shopping ( your checkout , your orders etc ) ,  about ( about us, privacy policy, terms and condition, FAQ )   . Here I need the concept of this layout.
  2. What is /how does manage footer CMS Links works . Need to know the  concept.


  1. QN. 250. Dashboard-Front Page-social media, footer:      I need to know how does it functions ? like google plus, pinterest, instagram, bizpalace youtube, twitter, facebook etc.

Manage CMS: What is privacy inner ? In manage CMS pages there is main page and sub page and position. How to see in sub pages. If we keep some items in sub pages , where is this displayed .

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